
Welcome to unconVEGETABLE, where wordplay and crEATive produce use thrive. Get your trendy food hashtags fix here.

Sweet Potater Tots

Sweet Potater Tots

Because tater tots. Need I say more? No, but I will anyways. Here's why I love this recipe- it's super simple, fun, and feels incredibly indulgent, but is actually super healthy (so long as you don't douse each tot in too much ketchup). Make a bunch ahead of time and stick them in the freezer so they're ready to pop in the oven when you need em. 


  • 4 large sweet potatoes
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon

Order of OperEATions

  1. Preheat oven to 425F
  2. Peel and grate the sweet potatoes
  3. In a large bowl beat 4 eggs, then stir in the coconut flour. Once combined, mix in the grated sweet potatoes and cinnamon
  4. Use a large spoon to scoop out even balls of the mix and hand-form your tots. Place on a non-stick baking surface
  5. Bake for 18 to 25 minutes depending on how crispy you like your tots. Bust out your favorite condiments and you're all set!
Garlic Balsamic Roasted Chicken and Cabbage

Garlic Balsamic Roasted Chicken and Cabbage

Sweet Potato Stuffed Pasillas

Sweet Potato Stuffed Pasillas