
Welcome to unconVEGETABLE, where wordplay and crEATive produce use thrive. Get your trendy food hashtags fix here.

Sole, Shishitos, and Seaweed Cauliflower "Rice"

Sole, Shishitos, and Seaweed Cauliflower "Rice"

I’m not typically the hugest fan of cauliflower, but when the cauliflower “rice” hurricane hit the food blogs, I knew I had to experiment. I happened to have some shishitos lying around that day, so asian-inspired I went!


  • 1 head of cauliflower (or a bag of pre-riced cauli from Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 pack of dried snacking seaweed  
  • 2 cups of shishito peppers
  • 1/2 lb of sole
  • soy sauce
  • rice vinegar
  • ginger
  • sesame oil
  • salt and pepper

Order of OperEATions

  1. If you didn’t go prepackaged, pulse the head of raw cauliflower in a food processor until it reaches a rice-like consistency.
  2. Heat some sesame oil in a skillet on medium heat and add in the cauliflower, a splash of rice vinegar, and a handful or two of crumpled seaweed. Stir occasionally for about 8 minutes then place the rice mixture in a bowl and let it sit.
  3. Add some more oil to the pan and raise to high heat. Throw the shishitos in with some salt and pepper and flash fry until cooked to desired tenderness. Once cooked, remove from heat and throw on top of the rice mixture.
  4. Allow the skillet to cool for a minute then add a tiny bit more oil and the fish. Top with salt, pepper, ginger, and a splash of soy sauce. Since sole is super thin it will cook quite quickly. Give it a couple minutes on one side, then flip over, add some more spices and voila, you’re ready to eat!


Sweet Potato Gnocchi

Sweet Potato Gnocchi

BBQ Chicken Sweet Potato Sammies

BBQ Chicken Sweet Potato Sammies